
Mouse cursor png mac mouse cursor png
Mouse cursor png mac mouse cursor png

mouse cursor png mac mouse cursor png

on fast mounts, by surpassing obstacles that would otherwise require slowing down. It is also useful for maintaining high movement speed, e.g. For instance, it is very useful for capturing Truffle Worms because they can be caught almost immediately upon materializing.

  • If this item is used correctly, it has the potential to become one of the best items for maneuvering the map.
  • If the Rod of Discord is tossed into Shimmer after the Moon Lord has been defeated, it will transform into the Rod of Harmony, which works identically but no longer inflicts any status effects, giving it unlimited uses with no risk of health loss.
  • Using Chlorophyte armor set bonus won't work to get Rod of Discord for Some reason.
  • In Celebrationmk10 worlds, the drop rate of the Rod of Discord is increased to 1*1/100 (1%).
  • It bypasses and does not trigger invulnerability frames.
  • It is always negated in Godmode, like all other damage.
  • The damage incurred by Chaos State cannot be dodged with a Black Belt/ Master Ninja Gear, Holy Protection or Brain of Confusion.
  • Using the thumbpad can see mixed results if the aim mode is set to Aim & Use rather than Aim Only.
  • If the player simply taps the ⚒ Use / Attack button with the Rod of Discord on the Mobile version, they will be teleported slightly right of the spot where they were standing (and above if blocks are in the way or furniture is to the right).
  • Using it does not cancel the Shroomite armor's stealth.
  • Using the Rod of Discord when moving maintains the player's movement speed.
  • Despite causing no damage to enemies, the Rod of Discord can be placed on a Weapon Rack.
  • While teleporting cancels fall damage, it does not reset the wing flight timer.
  • It will work after Plantera is defeated, even allowing the player to enter a locked Jungle Temple without using up a Temple Key.
  • Attempting to teleport into the Jungle Temple before Plantera is defeated will not work.
  • For instance, while riding the Unicorn Mount, the location must be 5 tiles high.
  • While riding a mount, the target location must usually be taller, depending on the mount.
  • Unsuccessful teleports play the same sound, but do not inflict the debuff. Thus, in order to teleport into a 3-tile-high opening, the player must aim at the floor.

    mouse cursor png mac mouse cursor png

    Pressing the ⚒ Use / Attack button will always place the player's feet at the cursor position. The target location must be at least 3 tiles high and 2 tiles wide.

    Mouse cursor png mac mouse cursor png